Committing to a lifetime or even a single session of slavery is a serious undertaking for anyone to consider. Nothing is to be rushed. Nothing is to be taken for granted. All the rules and conditions to be built up over time do not fundamentally matter as they are a means to an end: a sustainable, ever-maturing and evolving, mutually satisfying, effective and loving Master-slave partnership. Be honest, open and truthful, with yourself and your Master. Commitment, fulfilment, happiness and above all trust and clear communication are crucial, so think carefully about what you are asked here.

Filling in this slave application form will take time. A good Master needs a thorough understanding of any slave who is placed under his control, and honesty and trust are established through clear communication, as well as good actions and training. The mental component to slavery is even more important than the physical dimensions, and this application will help a slave to begin to explore the mental side of slavery, or at the least, enable a slave to consider his reaction or attitudes to various aspects of slavery.

Good Masters need good slaves, and good slaves who submit more willingly and completely to a Master are desirable, and worthy of training. If your application is successful, I will be in touch to arrange an inspection/interview session and to discuss your future slave development. Good luck.